AWS: Step Functions
How to Add Your Step Functions Inside Cloud Formation I recently had to create a series of step functions for a project I am working on. The beauty of using step function is you get to work on it visually; from adding of functions, states, inputs and outputs up to real-time running and debugging. It […]
CHEAPEST WAY to Bring your Car to Cebu from Manila: RoRo Cebu to Manila, Manila to Cebu
This guide will give you a know-how to cheaply bring your car to Cebu from Manila. Quick Links: We recently transported a Toyota Fortuner 2012 from Luzon to Cebu using RoRo ships (Roll-on, Roll-off). To make the journey, we traveled to the southern part of Luzon and boarded a RoRo ship to Masbate. From Masbate, […]
Call ChromeData in NodeJS and PHP
In this code crumb, we will call ChromeData in NodeJS and PHP. We will call the “describeVehicle” method of ChromeData ADS(Automotive Description Service). The “describeVehicle” method accepts a vehicle’s VIN, searches its database for a match then responds with information for that vehicle. ChromeData uses WSDL and one way for us to make use of its […]
Upload Ads.txt to Bitnami Web Server
This seems easy but I spent some time googling it on the internet and did not find a straight answer. I had to move my WordPress site to an AWS LightSail due to some technical issue with my previous web host and I didn’t know where to put my Ads.txt. To cut things short, AWS […]
Query Database Using WordPress REST
This code crumb will query a WordPress database using WP REST. It tackles all the basic steps to interact and get data from the WordPress database in three different ways; directly from the browser using a URL, calling from a PHP function or by a user-driven event from the front-end interface using Javascript which will […]
Eve Echoes: How to Mine Safely in Low Sec
Eve Echoes Safe Mining Guide How to Mine Safely in Lower Security Systems Eve Echoes started out with almost everyone mining, friendly and everything, just enjoying the Eve Universe. A week later, some players decided to point their gun to miners. I’m not entirely sure why they’re doing it, I am most certain it’s not […]